Friday, November 9, 2018

My future job

I would like to work in clinical care about sexuality, especially attending teenagers or old people. I would like to work indoors because this gives people more security and confidence about talking about some topics. At the same time I would like to work  in a job that were indoors, as a foundation or something related to sexual education because I do not like monotony.
Actually I’m working tutoring some students and I really love it, so I would like to continue participating in that kind of spaces.

For the kind of job that would like to have there isn’t a minor specialized but I hope next year I would take a mayor out of the University of Chile to learn more about some contents in sexuality. And then, I wish to take a magister that is deeper, but I need to graduate first.

I’m really excited about these goals and I would like to incorporate and made more important the sexuality in social work discussions from a gender perspective, because it’s not very talked about. 

Sometimes that makes me sad and I think that my career is not propped for me, but the advantage that social work has is that it’s very open to new subjects. So, instead of being demotivated I ask why not to change it?.

Thanks for visit my blog! bye

Resultado de imagen para diversidad sexual