Friday, November 30, 2018

My favorite TV show

I really like watching TV, especially series. I’m a big fan of Netflix and I spend a lot of time using it, so it’s hard for me to choose my favorite program but one that I love is Say yes to the dress!  An original reality television series on TLC.
Resultado de imagen para yes to the dress usBasically, it’s about future brides who visit a store called Kleinfeld Bridal in the city of New York, Manhattan looking for the perfect dress to their weddings.  In every episode they show about three or four cases of women chasing their dresses and telling their love stories. Sometimes they are with their families or friends, almost never with their future husbands (because it’s bad luck!).
To find their dresses some workers from the store help them, they guide the future brides asking first about what they have in mind and trying to find a model that fits them and makes them look beautiful. Sometimes the bride instantly loves the first one or they never choose one, there are some cases that they are under a lot of pressure because the people  that are with them are making some rude comments but the team from the store tries to make them comfortable.
I like to watch this series because I really love bride dresses, I know a lot about shapes, forms, clothes, etcetera. One of my deep dreams is to be a wedding dress designer.
It’s funny because I do not love marriage; I just love the esthetical part but not the compromise haha.
Thanks you for reading! 

Friday, November 23, 2018

Postgraduate Studies

Resultado de imagen para master en sexologiaAs I mention in my last post, I would like to work in clinical care about sexuality so to be able to do it I should take a Master in sexology. The principal reason to do the course is that in social work topics about sexuality are not very discussed and deeply studied, so it's really necessary that I take a specialty because it’s a complex topic like as any other in social sciences. Most people think it doesn’t have much importance or it’s easy to learn but I think that they say it because sexuality is a tabu in our society and it’s seen in a negatively way.

I would like to study sexuality in all their dimensions from a transdisciplinary 
to a feminist perspective. It means that I would like to learn the most possible 
things about it in a way that respects human rights and freedom. 
Some topics that I would like to study are diversity, health care, sexual
 psychology, teaching methodologies of sexual education, etc. 
I would like to study it in Spain because it’s one of the countries where
 there’s a lot of investigation in this subject but if I couldn’t, I would like
 to study it here in Chile because Autonomy University has an agreement 
with the SpainUniversity of Almeria about sexology so they have a really
 good curriculum.
Finally, I would like to study it part time because I would like to work at the 
same time to pay for the course. 
Thanks for reading! xoxo 

Friday, November 9, 2018

My future job

I would like to work in clinical care about sexuality, especially attending teenagers or old people. I would like to work indoors because this gives people more security and confidence about talking about some topics. At the same time I would like to work  in a job that were indoors, as a foundation or something related to sexual education because I do not like monotony.
Actually I’m working tutoring some students and I really love it, so I would like to continue participating in that kind of spaces.

For the kind of job that would like to have there isn’t a minor specialized but I hope next year I would take a mayor out of the University of Chile to learn more about some contents in sexuality. And then, I wish to take a magister that is deeper, but I need to graduate first.

I’m really excited about these goals and I would like to incorporate and made more important the sexuality in social work discussions from a gender perspective, because it’s not very talked about. 

Sometimes that makes me sad and I think that my career is not propped for me, but the advantage that social work has is that it’s very open to new subjects. So, instead of being demotivated I ask why not to change it?.

Thanks for visit my blog! bye

Resultado de imagen para diversidad sexual