Friday, September 2, 2016


1.- What is your name?

My name is Paula Parada

2.- What do you study?

I study Social work.

3.- Do you like English? Why/Why not?

Yes, I like English because I think it's an interesting lenguage and it's very used in a lot of things around us, so I consider that is important to learn how understand those things.

4.- How often do you listen to music in English?

I listen music in english very often.

5.- When do you watch movies in English?

I watch movies in English when they seems interesting, but most of the time with subtitles.

6.- Which is the most difficult aspect of English for you?

The most difficult aspect of english for me is the use of verbs and their times. Also be more confident with my pronunciation. 

7.- How do you plan to overcome the problems that you have regarding the English language?

I plan to overcome my problems in english trying to practice more, especially with online-exercises because it's more easy and entertaining to me. Also talking more in english with other people to improve my pronunciation.  

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