Hello everyone, it’s my last blog and I’m going to write about my
experience using blogs in the English Class. I do really like using the blog, I
think it was entertaining because maybe the subject is previously determined
but you can write whatever you want about it, I appreciate the freedom to write
because it’s more motivational to me and it gives an special and personal way
to the blog. Sometimes I missed some blogs and I regreted it because sometimes
I read the blogs of my class mates and I found subjects that I like and I didn’t
do, such as my favorite band, for example.
I think I learned more with the blogs, because maybe sometimes I make
some mistakes when I write in English but now I really try to think better
about what I’m writing and trying to say.
I don’t really know what to include in the future, I think the blogs are
great. But one thing that I know is that I would like to write about tips or
pages that I visit and make recommendations or something like that. Or also
comment on a video that I like or a piece of news, maybe some serial that I
watched or something funny.
Thanks you for visiting my blog this semester, hope you have a great next-year!